Sale Aeronautics - 29 january 2012 /Lot 1 "Comment Blériot a traversé la Manche"

  • "Comment Blériot a traversé la Manche"
"Comment Blériot a traversé la Manche" Par Charles Fontaine, librairie Aéronautique, septembre 1909. 152 pages, 74 gravures, reliure postérieure, couverture polychrome préservée.

A summary of Bleriot's flight over the Manche in september 1909, by the only witness, Charles Fontaine.

Estimation 80 - 140 €

Sold 319 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Lot 1

"Comment Blériot a traversé la Manche"

Sold 319 € [$]

"Comment Blériot a traversé la Manche" Par Charles Fontaine, librairie Aéronautique, septembre 1909. 152 pages, 74 gravures, reliure postérieure, couverture polychrome préservée.

A summary of Bleriot's flight over the Manche in september 1909, by the only witness, Charles Fontaine.

Estimation 80 - 140 €

Sold 319 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Sale’s details

Sale: 2114
Date: 29 Jan. 2012 10:30


Mathilde Neuve-Eglise
Phone +33 1 42 99 20 75
